The first satellite of the IRIDE programme launched – Pathfinder Hawk
Last week, the HEO (Hawk for Earth Observation) Pathfinder microsatellite successfully entered orbit!
This marks the launch of the first satellite in the Hawk for Earth Observation constellation, part of the IRIDE programme—an ambitious Italian space initiative funded by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR). Coordinated by the European Space Agency (ESA) with support from the Italian Space Agency (ASI), the IRIDE programme involves the deployment of six satellite constellations, one of which is Hawk for Earth Observation, developed by the Italian company Argotec, based in San Mauro Torinese.
As a pathfinder, the HEO microsatellite serves as a prototype for what is to come in the following years: the creation of Italy’s Earth observation constellation This end-to-end system will include both the upstream component (satellite constellations), the downstream component (ground operational infrastructure), and the service segment—ultimately providing a wide range of geospatial services to institutional users.

ATG is extremely proud of the role we continue to play in this program, and of our colleagues working together with ESA and ASI to make it a success. For example, we support IRIDE by providing technical assistance to the integrated project team (covering end-to-end technical reviews), as well as communication services.
This year alone, a further 9 HEO satellites are planned for launch, with 15 more expected in 2026. As we move forward, there will be much more progress to witness. We extend our heartfelt congratulations to the ATG team for this remarkable achievement!