Immersive Reality
Industry and the developments we all work on are becoming more and more complex.
Still everyone knows that time and budget are two key factors to manage in order to deliver a successful project.
This is a challenge that can only now be tackled through process re-engineering and technological advancements made possible by digitalization. ATG VirtualLab offers intuitive interfaces to data via any digital interaction environment, (be it immersive or not, two or three dimensional, virtual or augmented). We do so in order to improve your collaborative experiences and enhance your processes, to ultimately reduce their project and operations risk by enabling better insights and understanding of their data.
Over the years we have build up a strong competence in immersive interface development. Here are some examples to show you how we can support your digital transformation.

VR– HADES is a project co-funded by the province of zuid Holland (NL), in cooperation with partners in the german region of Bremen. This cooperation, endorsed by a Memorandum of Understanding in 2019, is specifically aimed at the space sector and has a number of specific focus areas.
Within the frame of VR-HADES, ATG Europe together with partners (TUDelft, SCN Avatar) develops a virtual reality powered conceptual harnessing design tool to ease the process of cabling and allow for training of this process in early project phases.
ATG VirtualLab
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