Developing aerospace systems and other high-tech systems is a complex endeavour.
It imposes challenges on technical performance as well as schedule, cost and risk management.
Get us on board for both industry-standard and innovative engineering solutions to these challenges.
Engineering solutions based on experience, innovative thinking and flexible interaction
We provide high-end thermal and mechanical engineering solutions with a multi-disciplinary, highly educated and deeply committed team.
Our experience covers a wide variety of applications and spans the entire product development life cycle; from specification and concept synthesis, through preliminary and detailed design and analyses until prototyping / manufacturing and testing. For the manufacturing and testing phases we work with high-quality suppliers and partners.
Our main strength is combining that experience and know-how with the ability to learn on-the-job and recognise new opportunities. This allows us to provide both industry-proven solutions and innovative solutions. In doing so with our thorough understanding of industry organisation, we also provide our customers and partners an increase in management bandwidth.
We offer various forms of engineering solutions, and can flexibly and pragmatically tune the interaction to suit your needs:
- Outsource a project work package to us. You can expect to receive high-quality deliverables – from analysis reports to fully engineered and verified hardware – carefully managed to completion by us.
- Partner with us to develop novel technologies and products. We’ll work with you from conceptualisation through R&D engineering until industrialisation. We can share the workload and development risks.
- Integrate one of our engineers in to your team. You’ll get short-duration boosts in expertise and manpower during those typical work peaks.
Our core competences
System- and Management-level competences
- Multi-disciplinary requirements engineering for mission success
- Multi-disciplinary concept design, modelling, analysis and trade-off studies
- Parametric model-based design, 3D CAD and 2D drawing
- Multi-disciplinary Design Optimisation with know-how and custom coding & tools
- Component sourcing and manufacturing & material engineering
- Proficiency in industry standard softwares including Catia, ESATAN-TMS , MSC NASTRAN, FEMAP/NASTRAN, VAOne etc.
- Compliance with ECSS standards for Space Engineering and seismic codes
- Workflow optimisation and automation (internally and for customers)
- Project Management and supplier / subcontractor management

Thermal Control engineering
- Thermal control concept selection based on requirements,
- Implementation of active and passive thermal control means,
- Detailed thermal design including hardware selection and sizing,
- Thermal modeling (TMM and GMM) and analysis for relevant heat transfer mechanisms (conduction, radiation and convection),
- Model conversions between ESATAN-TMS and Thermic through STEP-TAS
- High quality reporting of thermal control developments,
- Complete thermal test engineering (support or execution) from specification to testing and post-processing.
Read our about our latest developments here
Mechanical engineering
- Conceptual and detailed design for structural drivers incl. strength, stiffness and stability
- Full coverage of composite, metalic, polymer and hybrid materials/technologies
- Detailed design and verification of bolted and bonded joints
- Efficient numerical / FE modelling; employing best practices, experience and pragmatism
- High-end numerical / FE analyses: Static (Linear, Non-Linear), Buckling, Modal, Sine and Random vibrations, Vibro-Acoustics, Shock, Thermo-Elastics, Kinematics and Hydro-mechanical behaviour
- Efficient model reduction/condensation
- Detailed post-processing and high quality reporting
- Manufacturing (management), Assembly and Integration of mechanical systems
- Mechanical test engineering; from specification to on-site co-engineering and post-processing

ATG Europe has a niche specialisation in thermo-elastics; the domain where thermal and mechanical engineering overlap
- Engineering implementation of Thermo-Elastic stability and strength design principles for e.g. sensitive instruments and thermally loaded structures
- Thermal model and structural model tailoring for reliable thermo-elastic predictions by analysis
- Thermal mapping; physically meaningful translation of thermal analysis results to structural analyses inputs
Reference project sampling
Our published articles
ECSSMET 2023 – European Guidelines For Thermo Elastic Verification
A summary of the completed first issue of the European Guidelines of Thermo-Elastic Verification conducted by ATG Europe
ECSSMET 2023 – Practical Example Of A Thermo-Elastic Classification System
The classification process consists in performing different numerical methods to determine whether the models are considered sufficient to meet the verification needs of the project or further refinement of certain areas is required.
European Space Thermal Engineering Workshop 2022 – pySINAS: New STEP TAS FEM overlap module presentation
pySINAS is a python version of the SINAS tool that was developed by ESA in recent years. This tool is normally used to map temperatures from lumped parameter based thermal analysis results to a finite element model to calculate the structure’s thermo-elastic response.
ECSSMET 2021 – Modelling Guidelines for Thermo-Elastic Analyses
A dissemination of the key observations and conclusions from an activity looking into TE modelling using a simplified version of the Euclid Service Module (SVM) structure.
ECSSMET 2021 – Quantifying Uncertainties In Thermoelastic Predictions
The application of the Rosenblueth method for estimation of the uncertainty of thermoelastic prediction. This explanation is supported with a series of examples.
International Conference of Environmental Systems, Albuquerque 2018
Implementing Ground Station Tracking in the Thermal Analysis of a Mechanically-Steerable Antenna for LEO Data Downlink Applications
European Space Thermal Engineering Workshop, Noordwijk 2019
Guidelines for accurate thermo-elastic analysis
SINAS: Benefits and points of attention