Notice: Provision of Engineering Support Services – Ground Segment and Space Segment Engineering Support for EUSPA
ATG Europe has been awarded a framework contract for the “Provision of support services to the European Union Agency for the Space Programme and the European Commission”, ref. EUSPA/OP/37/23. ATG has placed first in cascade for Lot 2 of the said framework contract, “Ground and Space Segments Engineering Support”.
As part of its contractual obligations towards the European Union Agency for the Space Programme (EUSPA), ATG Europe is hereby launching an open competition for subcontractors.
1. Buyer
Official name: ATG Europe BV
Postal address: Huygensstraat 34
Town: Noordwijk
Postcode: 2201 DK
Country: The Netherlands
Legal type of the buyer: Private Company
Activity of the buyer: Commercial activities connected to Engineering Services and solutions
2. Procedure
2.1 Procedure
Title: Provision of Engineering Support Services – Ground Segment and Space Segment Engineering Support for EUSPA
Description: ATG is hereby asking entities interested in becoming its subcontractor for the activity described above to download the procurement documents as described below in section 2.1.4. The tenderers must first fill in a pre-qualification questionnaire. The tenderers who answered it satisfactorily and within the deadline as defined below in section 2.1.4 will simultaneously receive a pre-qualification invitation to tender (ITT) on the date defined in the same section. Based on tenders in response to the ITT, ATG Europe will select two (2) subcontractors per lot (as defined in the following paragraph) to receive framework subcontracts and compete for the actual services to be provided to EUSPA.
The subject of this procurement is to provide Engineering Support Services within the Activity Domain Ground Segment and Space Segment Engineering Support to EUSPA covering the various establishments of EUSPA. The main locations are EUSPA HQ in Prague, Galileo Security Monitoring Centre France and Galileo Security Monitoring Centre Spain, Galileo Service Centre in Madrid (ES), EUSPA office in Toulouse (FR) and European Commission in Brussels, ATG premises in Noordwijk or Contractor premises.
The lots of the present procurement are the following:
- Lot A: Ground Segment Evolution and Requirements Engineering for EU Space Programmes
- Lot B: Ground Segment System and Maintenance Engineering for EU Space Programmes
- Lot C: Space Segment Engineering for EU Space Programmes
- Lot D: Launch Services Engineering for EU Space Programmes
Tenderers may bid for as many lots as they wish.
Internal reference: ATG-EU-ITT-PC-EUSPA-24-09256
Language of the procedure: English
2.1.1 Price
Estimated value excluding VAT for all lots combined: 3,525,720 EUR
2.1.2 General information
Additional information: Depending on the nature of the tasks foreseen to be performed under a given lot, particularly the following requirements may need to be fulfilled and evidenced accordingly by the interested economic operators: establishment in the European Union, Personal Security Clearance by consultants to be performing the services up to SECRET UE/EU SECRET, Facility Security Clearance at appropriate level, PRS SAB authorisation in the appropriate category. Further information in this respect is provided in the tender documentation.
2.1.3 Duration
Estimated duration: approximately 46 Months (10 months plus three options of one (1) year each)
2.1.4 Procurement documents
The pre-qualification questionnaire, which forms the first part of the procedure along with the necessary attachments is available on this page for download.
The deadline for submitting the questionnaire has been extended from Friday, 22/11/2024, at 23:59 CET, to Wednesday, 27/11/2024, at 23:59 CET. No questionnaire sent after this point in time will be considered by ATG. Only organizations who have submitted the questionnaire timely may receive the ITT. The ITT will be sent not later than 29/11/2024 directly to the email provided by the tenderers, simultaneously to each tenderer. The deadline for the receipt of tenders shall be 13/12/2024, unless extension is granted by ATG.
The ITT will contain more information on the procedure.
3. Publication information
Publication date of this notice: 15/11/2024